Saturday, August 7, 2010

please stop it, Kevin Costner.

From Google Images

So I just finished watching Dances With Wolves for the first time ever. I know, it's a movie everyone has to see, and I kept hearing how wonderful it is bla bla bla. But seriously, that was total crap. As producer, director, and the main actor, Kevin Costner had sprayed his pee all over it too, so he has no excuse. Does his definition of "epic" really just mean "long"? I mean c'mon. I know I'm a bit behind the times on this one, but gawd. I want my 4 hours back please.

And really, has Kevin Costner ever made anything good? Remember Waterworld? Terrible, just terrible.

People should stop paying him to do this stuff. It's just not right.


  1. Bull Durham. Period. The rest is a giant mystery.

  2. Alright I'll give you that one. And maybe the Untouchables (but not thanks to him). But what about Robinhood? Tin Cup? Fandango? The Bodyguard? The POSTMAN?

  3. Dances With Wolves critisism from someone who loves Haorld and Kumar. You are shameless.
    I love Dances With Wolves. Tell me Two Socks' death didn't pull at your black heartstrings.

    I know I'm sort of the elusive blogger these days so I have no room to talk, but this post is a little 90's for my taste. Any thing you care to add about C & C Music Factory or The Real World NY?

  4. I was planning a post about Titanic, but then decided against it. Srsly Brittany, suck it. I only like Harold and Kumar when under the influence of narcotics.

  5. I think the last time I saw DwW I hadn't even grown bewbies yet. I only remember it being about some white chick that was a dirty heathen because the redskins kidnapped her, and then she fell in love when she saw a white dude. THE END.
